Extinosad- Lice, Fly & Maggot Eliminator


An effective treatment to prevent blowfly strike and control maggots and lice on sheep.

Extinosad™ Eliminator prevents flystrike for four to six weeks and provides rapid knockdown control of lice and maggots on sheep with short and long wool.

Comes in a 250ml Bottle.

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It has the following indications

  • Control of lice in short wool (2-6 weeks after shearing) by plunge or shower dipping application
  • Control of lice in long wool (6 weeks to 12 months after shearing) by hand jetting application
  • Treatment of existing blowfly strike on sheep
  • Prevention of blowfly strike for 4-6 weeks with jetting application in long wool sheep
  • Protection from blowfly strike for a minimum of 8 days following treatment of mulesing or other wounds of sheep

Critical comments

  1. When used on sheep with less than 6 weeks wool a reduced period of protection against blowfly strike may result.
  2. A shorter flystrike protection period can be expected in lambs and coarse wool (meat breed) sheep.

Key features of Extinosad™ Eliminator include

  • Contains spinosad, a powerful active ingredient that provides rapid knockdown of lice1 and maggots
  • Unique mode of action2, making it ideal for rotation programs
  • No known field resistance, kills SP resistant strains of lice1 and OP resistant strains of blowflies and maggots
  • Zero (0) days wool and meat withholding period and a zero (0) day Export Slaughter Interval for long wool jetting, wound and flystrike dressing applications, offering maximum marketing and management flexibility
  • Water based, odourless formulation which poses low risk to livestock, shearers, dip operators, farm workers and the environment when used in accordance with label instructions