MecWORMA & BOT contains abamectin, which is the only natural form of the macrocyclic lactone group of anthelmintics. Macrocyclic lactone compounds have revolutionised the control of parasites in animals. They are generally regarded as the most effective, least toxic and non-carcinogenic parasiticides yet developed.
The MECWORMA & BOT paste is easy to administer under a wide range of conditions, with a smooth, sticky consistency that is well accepted with minimal wastage. Abamectin has a wide safety margin at the recommended dose level especially in foals, pregnant mares, and aged or debilitated horses. There have been no adverse effects reported when used at double recommended doses in heavily parasitised horses.
The recommended dose level of 200 .tg/kg bodyweight MECWORMA & BOT controls the following parasites:
Large Strongyles: Strongylus vulgaris (adult & arterial larval stages), Strongylus edentatus (adult & tissue stages), Strongylus equinus (adult) and Triodontophorus spp. (adult).
Small Strongyles: Including benzimidazole resistant strains (adult and immature) Cyathostomum spp., Cylicocyclus spp., Cylicostephanus spp., Cylicodontophorus spp. and Gyalocephalus spp.
Ascarids: Parascaris equorum (adult & immature).
Pinworms: Oxyuris equi (adult & immature).
Hairworms: Trichostrongylus axei (adult).
Lungworms: Dictyocaulus arnfieldi (adult and immature).
Bots: Gasterophilus spp. (oral and stomach stages).
Intestinal Threadworms: Strongyloides westeri (adult).
Neck Threadworms: Onchocerca spp. (microfilariae) (cutaneous onchocerciasis).
Stomach Worms: Habronema muscae (adult and cutaneous larval stage), Draschia spp. (cutaneous larval stage) – both cause summer sores.