Troy Repel-X 500ml Spray


Troy Repel-X is a powerful repellent for keeping away fleas, flies, mosquitoes and other insects from biting animals.

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The fast killing action eliminates fleas and flies. The insecticidal spray destroys fleas and repels mosquitoes and other biting insects.

The non-toxic repellent is safe to use on dogs and horses.


  • An ultimate repellent spray for dogs and horses
  • Effective repellent against flies, mosquitoes and other biting insects
  • A non-toxic spray safe on pets
  • Fast-acting repellent removes fleas, flies and mosquitoes quickly
  • Protects pets from harmful insect bites
  • Prevents skin irritation due to biting


  • Open the cap and spray Repel-X lightly over the coat of a pet for a few seconds.
  • Spray with a sweeping motion from head to rear.
  • Apply twice daily when infestations are severe.
  • Take care not to spray near animal’s eyes.
  • For animal sheds, spray in the inner walls thoroughly and any other place where the flies and insects settle.